Turning lessons into legacy: Strategies for documenting and sharing programme insights

logo-partos-groot_0.png20 maart 2025


20 maart 2025, 11:00 - 12:30


How can you ensure that valuable insights from your programmes and interventions don’t get lost but instead drive future impact? Join our SP Lab learning session on documenting and sharing lessons learned within your organisation and beyond.

Within the volatile world of development funding, documenting and using lessons learned is essential. Therefore, the Partos SP Lab is organising a series of learning sessions on learning in programmes, organisations and partnerships. During this first session we will focus on learning from programmes such as the Power of Voices Partnerships.

Drawing on concrete experiences, we will discuss practical strategies for integrating learning from the start of a programme and identify ways to communicate insights effectively to different audiences.

In this interactive session, we discuss questions such as:

  • How do we tailor documentation and learning processes to the needs of internal teams and external stakeholders?
  • How can we move beyond reports and truly embed learning into our organisations?
  • How can we use our insights to show the impact we made and improve future practices?

This session will provide ample opportunity to learn from each other, exchange insights and challenges, and jointly identify best practices.

This is the first session of a series of learning sessions on sustained learning. In subsequent sessions we will dive deeper into embedding learning in organisations and decolonising learning in equitable partnerships.

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